What Are Some Alternatives To Volbella?
There are multiple products available which are competitors to Volbella. Restylane Silk is a similar product in treatment area. Dr. Shah also uses other products such as Restylane, Restylane Lift, Juvederm, and Voluma in nontraditional areas since he likes the duration for the patient.
Is Volbella Dr. Shah’s First Choice Of Filler?
Volbella is one of many fillers Dr. Shah can potentially inject in patients depending on their aesthetic goals.
Does Volbella Cost More Or Less Than Traditional Filler?
Pricing is similar with filler products with the exception of Voluma and Sculptra which tend to cost slightly more.
Can I Use Volbella In My Tear Troughs?
Volbella can be used anywhere in the body but it is only FDA approved the perioral lines and lips.
Does Volbella Have A Long Standing Record Of Safety?
Fortunately for most US patients, many of these products are injected in other locations first for many years before the FDA will approve the filler here in the US. These products have been used for 5 years elsewhere with an excellent track record.
What Are Some Of The Differences Between Restylane Silk And Volbella?
Restylane Silk tends to be inflammatory and patients may have swelling over the first few days. Both products can be used similarly.
How Do You Treat Volbella Bumps Along The Lip?
Volbella can be watched along the lip initially for the first few weeks. The product is reversible so it can be reversed with hyaluronidase.
Will I See More Results With Volbella Or Voluma?
Patients with Voluma will typically see more results than Volbella in regards to Voluma placement.
Can You Use Other Fillers In Conjunctions With Volbella?
Other fillers can be used in conjunction with facial filler Volbella.
How Do I Reduce Volbella Swelling?
Initially ice can help reduce swelling. Some patients benefit from the use of antihistamine orally to help reduce initial inflammation.
Can I Have A Tyndall Effect With Volbella?
Any facial filler can cause a Tyndall effect. Some fillers are less likely to cause a Tyndall effect, especially those that are thinner.
How Much Does Volbella Cost?
Volbella will cost a similar amount as Juvederm Ultra and Ultra Plus.
Can You Make Volbella Injection More Comfortable?
Yes, for most of our patients lip injections are comfortable. We make lip injections more comfortable by using topical anesthetic as well as using a smaller needle. Larger needles can make the product lump as well as cause more bruising and pain. In addition, Juvederm Volbella has lidocaine inside of it to make it even more comfortable for patients. This means the product numbs as it is injected.
How Long Should This Procedure Take?
The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes for it to be injected.
Should I Avoid Blood Thinners Prior To Injection?
Ideally patients should avoid blood thinners which will make a bruise less likely. Blood thinners can include medications or herbal supplements.
Volbella Duration, How Long Is It?
It is expected to last between 1 and 2 years but can be influenced by other factors.
Is Volbella Permanent?
No, it is a temporary filler which can be used again in subsequent visits.
Where Is Dr. Shah’s Office Located?
Dr. Shah’s office is located in Chicago, IL. at 200 West Superior St., Suite 200.
Where Is The Best Locations For Volbella?
Volbella is a great product for fine lines along the lips and even anywhere in the face. Patients also benefit from this product along the lower eye cheek junction depending on their aesthetic desires. This product can be placed in the body or tubercle of the lip but may not create a “pillowy” look if this type of look is desired.