What is Brow Lift?

A brow lift in Chicago with Dr. Anil Shah is an outpatient procedure used to elevate the brows. It can be done through a variety of approaches, including the use of botulinum toxin (commonly known as Botox), in-office approaches like facial fillers, skin-only lateral browlift, endoscopic brow lift, and mid-forehead direct brow lifting. All of these approaches are designed to lift the lateral brow portion. The brow and the eye have a close relationship. As the natural aging process occurs, frown lines become more apparent, and the eyebrow descends, which can create fullness along the eye. As the brow is lifted, so too can the fullness along the outside of the upper eye. While this is an overly simplified explanation of the relationship between brow and eye, it does serve to point out that an analysis of one can not be complete without an analysis of the other.

Philosophy How is Dr. Shah Different?

Dr. Shah’s approach to brow lifting is to lift the brows in a natural position so that the eyes look more open and less tired. He uses a variety of techniques, including some to lift just the lateral portion, lower the hairline, or lift the entire brow. Dr. Shah typically elects conservative changes in the brow area so that a natural appearance exists.

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Types of Brow Lifting

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Endoscopic Brow Lifting

The endoscopic brow lift is the currently the most commonly performed procedure for rejuvenation of the brow. The ideal candidate is a female patient with a normal or low hairline, thin skin, and a flat forehead. The endoscopic brow lift can be performed in either a subgaleal or subperiosteal plane. Releasing the periosteum of the arcus marginalis and the orbital ligament adequately mobilizes the brow and helps achieve a long term result. The method of fixation of the brow varies with polylactic resorbable screws or bone tunnels. Some surgeons have achieved long-term brow elevation without the need for fixation. The endoscopic forehead lift has the advantage of minimal incision length and less risk of paraesthesias.

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Lateral Brow Lifting

Lateral brow lifting is a type of procedure that lifts only the lateral component of the brows and is designed to solely lift the subcutaneous tissues of the brow area. It incorporates an incision along the temple portion of the hair, which is then used to lift up the lateral brow. This procedure can be performed as an in-office approach for select patients.

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Coronal Brow Lifting / Trichophytic Brow Lifting / Pretrichial Brow Lifting

In a coronal brow lifting, the surgeon makes an incision within the hair-bearing scalp. The procedure will lead to the elevation of the hairline. The plane of dissection is in the subgaleal plane allowing access to the frontalis, corrugator, and procerus muscles. Coronal forehead lifting is contraindicated in patients with high hairlines or male pattern baldness. In addition, paraesthesias are common after this technique due to the resection of the deep branch of the supraorbital nerve.

The trichophytic browlift makes an incision within the fine hair of the anterior hairline. A reverse bevel allows for hair growth through the incision. A pretrichial variant places the scar in front of the hairline. Both approaches are effective in patients with high hairlines.

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Mid-Forehead Brow Lifting / Direct Brow Lifting

A mid-forehead lift is made with an incision in a horizontal furrow in the forehead. A direct browlift is made by directly excising forehead skin above a patient’s brow. Typical candidates for both procedures include bald male patients with prominent forehead wrinkles and patients with highly asymmetric brows (facial paralysis patients). Forehead wrinkles and corrugator hyperactivity are not addressed with this technique.

Botox And Facial Fillers In Brow Lifting

Botox and facial fillers can help temporarily raise the brow complex. In some patients, the cause of a descended brow is not necessarily descension but a loss of volume due to many factors like stress and, of course, time. Volume can be restored to lift a brow and help improve the contour of the eyebrow interface. For more information about how facial fillers could help you, visit our page here.

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Brow Anatomy

The anatomy of the brow is complicated and relates to the eyes. There are differences between males’ and females’ desired appearance.

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Brow Lift FAQ

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Why Consider Having A Brow Lift Surgery?

A brow-lifting surgery is designed for patients with a distended or heavy brow area. Lifting the brow can help improve the appearance of the face and create a more youthful appearance.

What Is The Procedure Like?

A browlift procedure can take place in either a surgical center or in-office, depending on the approach of the procedure. Patients can expect swelling along the forehead and should ice the area early on. Typically, pain is minimal after the procedure. There are risks associated with this surgical procedure, and a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in facial anatomy should perform it.

Am I A Candidate?

Good candidates for this cosmetic procedure are patients with a heavy brow seeking rejuvenation of the area.

What Can I Expect After A Brow Lift Procedure?

You can expect there to be bruising and swelling around the area after the procedure. Typically, this is normal. Also, there will be a feeling of numbness in the scalp during the recovery period, which is just part of the regular healing process. Normal feeling in the scalp should return a few months after surgery.

How Soon Can I Return To Work?

Patients can return to work as early as 3 days after the procedure. Although, most patients take 7 days to recuperate as a precaution.

Are There Any Risks?

As with all surgical procedures, there are risks to consider. Prior to consent, any questions and concerns will be met and answered by Dr. Shah and his knowledgeable staff.

Does Dr. Shah Like A Classic Or Coronal Brow Lift Surgery?

The classic brow lifting procedure is where a large incision is made across the hairline or in front of the hairline. Dr. Shah prefers endoscopic browlifts here except for cases that require hairline-lowering procedures. Here the combination of hairline lowering procedures with the lifting of the brow can justify the location of the pretrichial incision.

Do I Need A Brow Lift Or An Eyelid Lift?

Browlifts lift the brows, while the lower and upper eyelid surgery removes the excess skin around the eyes. Seek advice from Dr. Shah and his assistance in designing the appropriate surgery. Some patients will benefit from both procedures depending on their aesthetic goals.

How Does Brow Lifting With Botulinum Toxin Work?

Here, selective muscles of the face are relaxed to help elevate the brows. In some patients, the dramatic opening of the brows can occur, while more subtle results will be seen in others. Every patient’s muscles will have a different dynamic, so results can vary from patient to patient.

What Brow Lift Office Is Near Me?

If you live near Chicago, IL, Anil Shah Facial Plastic Surgery offers brow lift among its services and is conveniently located at 200 West Superior St., Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60654

About Us

Dr. Shah is a facial plastic surgeon in Chicago whose practice is dedicated to the face. He has authored over 50 research articles and is leading the way in making procedures like brow lifting with faster recovery time and a natural-looking appearance.

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