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So the question is why does Tom Cruise look so different? So And the next question was, Tom Cruise has recently spotted a major league baseball playoff game between the Giants and the Dodgers. And during this game, the TV cameras pan to Tom Cruise, smiling and waving. And a lot of the audience was asking, is that really Tom Cruise?why would anyone do that to their face? So let’s dial things back a little bit. So we know of Tom Cruise as this dashing actor, who’s the hero, the alpha a list Hollywood leading role, man, who has the slim chisel facial features. Um, what we may or may not know is that Tom Cruise is already 59 years old. So in order for him to keep portraying these alpha A-list roles, he has to look like an alpha, a list actor. So like many of us have tried.
He’s tried to put facial fillers in his face, the problem. And here’s the problem. A lot of us, as we get older, we’ll notice that the volume in our face has changed. We’ve created this heaviness on the middle part of our face, near our smile lines. And these are the nasal labial folds and the lower part of our face. So some of us in an effort to do that, we’ll put filler in our cheeks and that can look okay. However, if you put too much filler, what can happen is you can create this over voluminous looking face and look like kind of marshmallow, like pillowy, like, and it kind of looks more youthful, but it also kind of doesn’t look like the person that looks weird. So what do you do? Well, my answer is, it doesn’t mean that filler is bad. Filler is great for a lot of patients.
It’s just how you place filler. And where do you play school there? But you also have to know that at some point, you’re going to reach a limit on what filler can do if you have too much volume. And this sounds like it’s obvious if you have too much volume in your face, along the cheek area, the lower face area, guess what? And you’re missing volume on the top. It might be not just that you’ve lost volume, that you’ve, your, your volume has actually descended or fell down in your face and it needs to be re suspended. This is why sometimes you can actually look more natural with a cheek lift and or facelift if it’s done properly. Otherwise you can risk having that over filled face, which plagues a lot of Hollywood less recently, but it plagues a lot, a lot of Hollywood. So that’s not the look I like, how do you create this cheek lift? Well, for someone like Tom, again, he’s not a patient of mine. Um, but what would I do? Well, first of all, if you did have filler, I probably would try to reverse some of that because that’s way too much volume for his face. The second thing I would lift up his cheeks, uh, I’ve developed a cheek lift technique that involves basically, um,
Invisible incisions. They’re all inside the mouth. And what I do from there is I released the cheek and then suspended superiorly. And what it does is it alleviates the heaviness along the middle part of the face and redistributes back to where it normally was. And this has happened without a visible scar. So for Tom Cruise who has more money than most of us will ever see in multiple lifetimes, why do you do that? I’m not sure. I wish he would have chosen better and made better decisions with his, uh, with his facial features. But I still love him as an actor, uh, for the rest of us. You know what, maybe we can make a better decision and learn from Tom cruise and learn from other celebrities. Um, think that it’s not always filler, although I love filler it’s sometimes it’s a combination of filler in redistributing your volume to look your best.