Finesse Rhinoplasty
Patient seeking a more feminine shape to her nose and less austere appearance. A successful rhinoplasty will not only create a better nasal form, but make the remaining facial features become more attractive. In some rhinoplasty, it is better to use a series of soft brush strokes rather than seek a drastic, overly invasive procedure. A natural appearing nose which leaves some of the character in the nose is a more sophisticated look rather than a scooped out nose.
With the technique used by Dr. Shah in this patient, the rhinoplasty was performed by endonasal approach. This nose is considered a sleeper nose. An underlying septal deviation required correction with spreader grafts as well as slight deprojection of her nasal tip. In addition, an overly straight dorsum would make her nose appear too long so a high point was created on her nose. The high point will also help to create a natural bridge and preserve character to her nose. Her nasal tip was sculpted and will continue to display definition with time while remaining soft and natural.
More patient photographs can be seen in Dr.Shah's office.