Many patients ask at what age a particular procedure? This timeline is intended to serve as general information on the ages at which patients may seek a procedure.
Facial Plastic Surgery Timeline

Overview of Timeline for Various Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

Most people do not associate children with plastic surgery. This is because elective surgery in a child who is still developing, is generally speaking, not a good idea.
However, overly prominent ears is an area that can be corrected. This particular procedure can be done in children for multiple reasons. First of all, the ear reaches its adult size around the age of 5. Likewise, children may undergo ridicule with overly prominent ears, as several studies have suggested. Correcting prominent ears prior to elementary school can help children adapt to school more readily.
Key points:
- Only in severe cases where ears are enough to cause social anxiety
- Critical discussions with parents
Teenagers are also not commonly associated with plastic surgery. The most common areas of concern for teenagers are nasal shape and acne. It is important to not operate on a teenager until he/she is both physically and mentally mature. This assessment takes place in the office by both Dr. Shah and the parent(s). One question Dr. Shah will typically ask is: “Has the shoe size changed within the last year?” There is a correlation between the maturity of the foot and the maturity of the nose. Typically, this means a procedure can be contemplated as early as age 15 for females and 16 to 17 for males.
Often, a compelling reason for teenagers to undergo rhinoplasty is better social adjustment during high school and college. Any procedure is complex and requires thoughtful examination and conversation between Dr. Shah, the parents, and the patient.
Acne is another concern for teenagers. Much of the concern with acne during this age is due to hormonal changes. Dr. Shah recommends topical therapy as front line therapy. Acne scar repair can be contemplated if it is determined that acne is under control for an extended period of time.
Key points:
- Make sure patient is mature both physically and socially
- Balance patient expectations with parent expectations
Young Adults
Young adults are candidates for several areas of plastic surgery. Changes to the nose can be entertained at this age because the nose has reached maturity. In addition, many patients will no longer have active, so acne scars can be treated if present. In addition, some patients will benefit from facial filler to help balance the face and possibly augment lips. Patients may be candidates for botox if lines are present.
Key points:
- Emphasize good skin care for health and youth
Middle Age
The broadest description of middle age is perhaps between 35-50. During this time, facial fillers and botox may play a larger role in keeping faces youthful. The eyes are typically the first area to age. Minor procedures on the eyes can be done as in office with little to no downtime. In some patients, the eyebrows may descend and respond to either a botox lift or endoscopic lift. Patients seeking changes to the nose, often seek subtle correction, as their identity has been established by this point in their life.
Key points:
- Youth preservation
Patients in this category are typically looking to see a more youthful representation of themselves. Often times there is a disconnect between what they see on the outside and what they feel on the inside. Patients in this category may be candidates for facelifts to improve neck and jawlines as well as any other anti aging other procedures mentioned with middle age patients. Most patients do not want to look drastically different from themselves at this age.
Key points:
- Age reversal, look how you feel