Posted by Dr. Anil R. Shah
This year’s cold weather has made many patients wonder what if any effects will it create on their nose after rhinoplasty.
One main benefit of cold weather on noses which have undergone rhinoplasty is that it tends to shrink the appearance of the nose. The reason for this is that the cold weather tends to contract the nasal blood vessels creating a thinner appereance.
Patients should beware that extreme cold weather for prolonged periods of time can lead to frostbite and possible necrosis of the nose. In addition, patients who note discoloration during the cold, particularily white or blue, may be undergoing vascularization of the nose and may be a sign that the nose is not ready for a procedure.
While cold, snowy weather may not seem to offer many benefits to patients, quicker healing, especially along the tip is one perk. Bundle up!!