
 Exercising After Rhinoplasty: What’s Safe, What’s Not

Working out after rhinoplasty is possible after 2 or 3 weeks minimum with light exercises firstExercise after rhinoplasty can be a tricky subject. It is important to understand the healing process and what activities are safe to do in the weeks following surgery. Rhinoplasty C...

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How Small Can A Rhinoplasty Make My Nose?

A common question for patients seeking rhinoplasty is to make their nose smaller. So how small can you make the nose? The rate limiting step on how small you can make the nose is the soft tissue envelope, which is essentially the skin of the nose. A rhinoplasty is designed to resh...

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When Do Skincare Products Have An Expiration Date And Does It Matter?

Once you have started with a skin routine you need to be conscious about your skin products expiration When it comes to taking care of our skin, we often think about the active ingredients in skin care products and how they can help us achieve a healthy complexion. Howeve...

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Asian Stars and Plastic Surgery

Dubbed the empress of pop, she is a world famous songwriter and actress. Asian Hollywood InsiderThe tabloids in America love a goodplastic surgery story, and the burning question “did they or didn't they. ? ” However, it’s said that in Asia plastic surgery is...

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Designing Your Lips

Lip enhancement is a common area where patients seek the use of facial fillers. The first thing most patients say out of there mouths is “I don't want to look like I have…” You can insert your favorite word which includes sausage lips, duck lips, fak...

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