Rhinoplasty Type – Finesse Rhinoplasty
Finesse rhinoplasty is where specific small changes are made to a nose to fine tune it and improve its appearance. As opposed to other rhinoplasty or nasal reshaping procedures, finesse rhinoplasty maintains many of the features of the nose while changing a few specific components. Not all patients and noses are candidates for this type of rhinoplasty.
Many patients in film, modeling, and careers where a minor change to an already attractive face are clients.
“The nose should fit the face”
A strong jawline would suggest a stronger nose
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Finesse rhinoplasty is the art of changing the nose in a subtle manner. In fact, much of the work done by Dr. Anil Shah would fall into this category. More specifically, finesse rhinoplasty technically describes a type of closed rhinoplasty procedure where the nasal hump is taken down and the nasal tip remains roughly the same. Dr. Shah is considered one of the leading surgeons in this category and he coauthored a chapter in Masters of Rhinoplasty on this subject matter.
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Technical Details:
In finesse rhinoplasty the incisions are all in the inside of the nose. This does decrease the downtime of the procedure. Dr. Shah then will use a variety of instruments including a specialized device used to bring down dorsal humps without the use of an osteotome. Most surgeons utilize either osteotomes or handrasps. The main issue here is that can lead to uneven edges along the bridge of the nose. Dr. Shah’s specialized powered nasal rasp, helps him make changes to the nose with millimetric precision.
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Since the changes to the nose are not severe, most patients are social in about 5 days to 7 days. Patients should still continue to ice as in a standard rhinoplasty. Many patients will look good right away but each patient’s recovery varies from person to person.
Frequently Asked Questions
Did Dr. Shah develop finesse rhinoplasty?
Dr. Shah has a specific type of finesse rhinoplasty. He learned from arguably the best finesse rhinoplasty surgeon in Dr. Raj Kanodia. Dr. Shah has altered some of his technique with his power rasp technique as well as some other details.
Is finesse rhinoplasty painful?
Typically not. There is some swelling and some discomfort but most patients are able to resume normal activities fairly soon.
Will my rhinoplasty change be permanent after finesse rhinoplasty?
Unlike fillers or other nonsurgical rhinoplasty, finesse rhinoplasty offers a permanent solution to the nose. Since the approach is fine tuning of the nasal bridge, most patients recovery is quicker than full traditional rhinoplasty.
Can I have a revision finesse rhinoplasty?
Yes, Dr. Shah can utilize this technique for specific cases. Large changes to the nose and or tip would require a traditional rhinoplasty approach.
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Can any surgeon do a finesse rhinoplasty?
A surgeon must focus on noses to have competency in rhinoplasty to begin this process. Many surgeons will not have appropriate plans and may make a nose worse rather than better. Rhinoplasty is extraordinarily complex where millimetric changes can impact nasal form dramatically. Dr. Shah is unique in that he has performed over 4000 rhinoplasties, has co-authored the definitive chapter on finesse rhinoplasty in Masters of Rhinoplasty, has a specialized tool to offer millimetric precision.
How much does a finesse rhinoplasty cost?
The cost will vary from surgeon to surgeon. The cost in Dr. Anil Shah’s office is less than a traditional rhinoplasty since there is less operative time. Each case varies in complexity and therefore price is dependent on each patient’s complexity.
Can I preview my results prior to surgery?
Dr. Anil Shah does offer before and after imaging as part of the consultation process.
Should I try a nonsurgical rhinoplasty first to see if I would like a finesse rhinoplasty?
Patients should pick the best approach for their nose and situation. Patients should be aware that nonsurgical rhinoplasty adds to the bridge to mask the nasal hump while surgical removes the bump physically and permanently.
Can Insurance cover a rhinoplasty?
Insurance does not cover aesthetic changes to the nose. Insurance can cover functional changes to the nose to help breathing or after trauma.
Does Dr. Shah accept international patients or patients located in other areas?
We see patients from all over the world and that includes our virtual consultation process where you can meet with Dr. Shah prior to your surgery.
Can I watch Dr. Shah perform surgery prior to having one?
Dr. Shah is active on Instagram and Facebook. Many rhinoplasty results are seen, some fresh from the operating room!! Although there is swelling, patients can preview what the experience is like too!!!
Can I afford a finesse rhinoplasty from Dr. Shah?
With patient financing, many patients are able to afford plastic surgery more than ever. Patients who want the best should choose Dr. Shah!!! For example, patients who want the latest iPhone with financing could make the cost as little as $100 per month. With options including Care Credit and Alphaeon Credit, the cost for surgery can be much lower than you realize. Upgrading your nose has never been easier!!!
I don’t want my family to know about my procedure. Will they be able to tell after finesse rhinoplasty?
In our office, we love patients to embrace procedures with familial support. If you are a fully grown adult, your family’s participation and/or acceptance is not required. Finesse rhinoplasty has been known to make enough change to both make a difference to the patient but not be obvious to others- including family!!!
Where is Dr. Anil Shah located?
Dr. Anil Shah is located in Chicago, IL. at 200 West Superior St., Suite 200. Dr. Shah is a private facial plastic surgeon who teaches facial plastic surgery at the University of Chicago. He has written over 50 scientific articles.