Rhinoplasty Philosophy
Rhinoplasty is the term for reshaping the nose. It can be done to make the nose smaller, bigger, wider, narrower, straighter.
There are many concepts in rhinoplasty which are specific to a certain type. The goal for this section is to provide enough detail for the patient to thoroughly research the operation.
The first thing I do is analyze the nose and how it relates to the face and entire person. I will assess any asymmetries of the face, chin, eyes. Just as important is how the nose relates to the person’s height, body habitus, ethnicity, personality, and career. For example, a taller person would not want an upturned nose because it would allow people to look up inside their nostrils more readily, Just as important, televison and magazines personalities often request slightly narrower noses due to the improved appearance on TV. If the camera adds ten pounds, it also can
Then given a face of a certain ethnic background, skin thickness, I will see how the nose relates to that person’s face. There are over 100 points of nasal analysis on a nose and how a nose relates to a face. How far does it stick out, what is its angle, what is the nostril shape, nostril angle, etc. However, I use the measures to create a range of potential noses. Ultimately, there is an artistic element of creating a nose to fit a face. I balance the scientific side with artistry to help create the best nose I can create.
There are many similarities between building a nose and building a skyscraper. You would not just jump in and start building without a well planned approach or a blueprint. There is science to ensure that the building will function is safe and not collapse. However, there is artistry in designing the building, creating the building, and interpretation of glass and light. will tell patients this and if they do no . Just as a builder for your house or company’s skyskraper would welcome your input, so should your surgeon. The idea is for me to guide you through this process and let you know what is and is not possible and what would look appropriate. If I don’t understand your aesthetic goal, I would not operate.
I use computer imaging to help facilitate an understanding between patients and myself. I think this serves as a valuable educational tool and allows for me and patients to come to a better understanding of what each other’s goals are. I also use computer planning to measure deviations, create virtural morphs, and detailed measures of the patient and operation.
The execution of the operation takes place in accredited hospitals or surgical centers. T
Can I inject steroids into my nose?
Typically steroid injections into the nose should be used judiciously. There are select instances when it can be injected into the nose. In cases where patients have a tendency to form scar tissue, Kenalog can be injected into the nose to help lessen its formation. Kenalog, generic triamcinolone, comes in a few varieties including K10 (10 mg/ml) and K40 (40mg/ml)
How long before I can exercise after rhinoplasty?
It depends on what type of rhinoplasty procedures were performed and what type of activity. Most of my patients are able to do light walking and treadmill on the first week and light weights on the second week. I don’t allow heavy lifting for one month after the procedure as precautionary measure and no contact sports for at least 3 months.
How does my chin impact my nose?
The key decision in rhinoplasty is not just to make the nose look better but how to make the overall face in better balance and more attractive.
How can I judge a rhinoplasty result?
Judging a rhinoplasty result is almost like judging art. There are two parts of our brain, a right side and left side. The artistic side looks at something and says that this person either looks more or less attractive. The analytic side will analyze each component of the nose. The easiest thing to do is look at a face or nose and just see without thinking whether you like or don’t. This is where the artistry of creating a nose is seen and felt by the patient and observer alike. The analytic part of analyzing rhinoplasty involves looking at each component and seeing if a positive change was created. Ideally the nose will look good to both parts of the brain.
How do I decrease bruising after rhinoplasty?
Bruising after rhinoplasty can be reduced by a few methods:
-A gentle touch by the surgeon (most bruising with rhinoplasty is a result of tearing of the covering of the bone called the periosteum. This forms an adherent carpet over the nasal bones covered in blood vessels. By maintaining the integrity of the periosteum, there is much less incidence of bleeding and bruising after rhinoplasty)
-Avoiding herbal medications and other medications which promote bleeding
-Avoiding lifestyle habits such as alcohol or caffeine prior and after surgery which promote bleeding
-Follow postoperative instructions such as application of ice, lying with head down, etc