Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Alar Retraction: Etiology, Treatment, and Prevention

Alar Retraction: Etiology, Treatment, and Prevention

AbstractObjective: to determine etiology and treatment of alar retraction based on a series of specific rhinoplasty maneuversDesign: retrospective review of a single surgeon's (MC) rhinoplasty digital photo database, examining pre-operative alar retraction from 2003 to 20...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Nasal septal deviation in the pediatric and adult populations

Nasal septal deviation in the pediatric and adult populations

AbstractA significant proportion of the population has nasal septal deviation of varying degrees. Recent reports of such deviation occurring at younger ages suggest a congenital etiology. To the best of our knowledge, no previous clinical studies have compared the septal devia...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Finesse Rhinoplasty

Finesse Rhinoplasty

Raj Kanodia MD, FACS, Anil R. Shah MD, FACSIntroduction:Rhinoplasty is the most challenging operation in plastic surgery. First of all, the anatomy of each nose is distinct. The wide amount of variation is seen in part due to differences within skin soft tissue envelope t...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Nasal Reconstruction of the Leprosy Nose Using Costal Cartilage

Nasal Reconstruction of the Leprosy Nose Using Costal Cartilage

Anil R. Shah MD, Daniel Zeitler MD, and Jeffrey B. Wise MD*Anil R. Shah MDClinical Instructor, Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Section of Otolaryngology, University of ChicagoChicago, ILPrivate Practice, Chicago, ILDaniel Zeitler MDResident, Department of Otolaryngology...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Open Septoplasty: Indications and Treatment

Open Septoplasty: Indications and Treatment

Mohamad Chaaban, MDa, Anil R. Shah, MDb,*a Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Chicago Hospitals, 5841 S Maryland Avenue E-102, Chicago, IL 60637, USA b Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Universi...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Concentric And Eccentric Carved Costal Cartilage

Concentric And Eccentric Carved Costal Cartilage

A Comparison of WarpingDavid W. Kim, MD; Anil R. Shah, MD; Dean M. Toriumi, MDObjective: To determine if a systematic, concentric graftcarving technique results in less warping than eccentric carving. Methods: Costal cartilage from ribs 3 through 9 were harvested from fresh human...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Anatomy of the Nose | Rhinoplasty Information

Anatomy of the Nose | Rhinoplasty Information

Rhinoplasty anatomy and analysis often go hand in hand. It is important to know anatomic terms so that communication between surgeon and patient can be facilitated. The descriptions of anatomy and analysis have been oversimplified so that the layperson can understand some of the...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Congenital Anomalies of The Nose

Congenital Anomalies of The Nose

Christina J. Laane, MD / Anil R. Shah MDCONGENITAL MIDLINE NASAL MASSESCongenital midline nasal masses, which include nasal dermoid cysts, nasal encephaloceles, and nasal gliomas (Figures 9-1, 9–2 and 9–5), are rare malformations; one occurs in 20,000–40...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Open Rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty

Open Structure Rhinoplasty ChapterHistory of open rhinoplastyOn the surface, open, or external rhinoplasty differs from endonasal rhinoplasty by just a single incision along the midcolumella. However, both of these operations are based on vastly different core philosophies. Sin...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Quantitative Comparison Between Microperforating Osteotomies and Continuous Lateral Osteotomies in Rhinoplasty

Quantitative Comparison Between Microperforating Osteotomies and Continuous Lateral Osteotomies in Rhinoplasty

Richard A. Zoumalan, MD; Anil R. Shah, MD; Minas Constantinides, MD Objective: To determine the difference in nasal bone narrowing between 2 techniques: the low lateral intranasal perforating osteotomy technique and the low lateral continuous osteotomy technique. Methods: A retros...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Aligning the bony nasal vault in rhinoplasty

Aligning the bony nasal vault in rhinoplasty

The bony nasal vault represents a complex three dimensional structure. With a widely divergent spectrum of nasal bony deformities, use of a single technique will often result in inconsistent results. Recognition of the underlying geometric osseous form allows the surgeon to utili...

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Dr. Anil Shah Blog | Loss of smell

Loss of smell

The ability to smell is often taken for granted. Not only are there many life enhancing odors such as the smell of fresh baked goods from a bakery or a rose garden in the spring, but the ability to smell can warn of life threatening dangers such as a nearby fire or spoiled food...

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