Asian Facial Fillers
Perhaps the biggest increase in facial plastic procedures has been amongst Asian patients. Asian patients have traditionally had rhinoplasty and facial contouring as the most common procedures performed. Facelifting was considered an unnecessary component to the Asian face because it aged differently than the Caucasian face. Due to the presence of melanin within the skin, most Asian patients age with less wrinkles. In addition, culturally, many Asians prefer not to sunbathe, making sun damage to skin less common.
The deeper tissues still do descend in Asian patients. The deeper tissues of the face age in a similar fashion amongst races, however more dramatic differences can be seen depending on the underlying anatomy. Asian faces may have a flatter cheek bone than Occidental (Caucasian) patients. In additon, Asian patients tend to have larger fat pads than Caucasian patients. This can lead to more promience in the nasolabial folds or smile lines. Often times restoration of facial volume can help solve many of the aging face issues with Asian patients.
The key to injections is critical analysis of where volume replacement should take place. Sophisticated injection techniques are key to a natural and effective aging face solution in Asian patients.
The aging process is different in Asian patients than Caucasian patients. Caucasian patients typically develop aging around the neck and lower face with a loss of facial volume in the upper face. In Asian patients, aging often occurs less in the neck and occurs more in the midface. The malar fat pad descends and nasolabial lines, aka smile lines, become much more prominent. The lines around the eyes, nasojugal lines, also become more promienent as the malar fat pad descends. Crepy skin around the eyes is less of an issue in Asian patients than Caucasian.
For more information, visit the Facial Filler Main Page
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Dr. Shah have a preferred facial filler in Asian patients?
Yes, Radiesse is often the best choice for most Asian patients. It provides robust filling of the face, while maintaining natural contours. Radiesse must be injected by an expert injector. Juvederm is too soft for most Asian patients.
Is a facial filler painful with Dr. Shah?
Typically no. Most patients experience little to no discomfort with injection.
Will I bruise after a facial filler?
Most patients do not bruise after a facial filler with Dr. Shah. The vast majority of patients are able to return to work or go out that evening.
Are Asian patient’s faces different than Caucasian?
Every patient’s face is different. Most patients, Asian patients included, do not like a face which looks overly round. Facial fillers are placed to give a better balance to the face.